Everyone knows the saying "go with the flow" it means to let go of control and just go with what is happening. Urban dictionary is a pretty good definition. Go with the flow is also a pretty awesome song by Queens of the stone age
I can't stand this.
I know there are moments of life that we really must let go and just let happen what is going to happen, but I am still not down with that business. So naturally I create my own version. I call it "flow with the go"
I know, oh so clever. But wait! There's a deep and profound meaning...
Let me break it down for you. Flow is a psychology term that names the mental state of mind in which you are totally engrossed with what you are doing. Time seems to stop, while really flying by. You do not even notice that you are hungry, thirsty, or whatever. Check out the book listed for a great read on the art of flow. Everyone has experienced flow, but not everyone flows enough. They just go, and miss life as it leads them. The next part; go
To sum it up, don't just "go with the flow" and let life live you, but rather "flow with the go" and live your life.
And go see Anberlin live in concert
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