Hot Cross Buns

Remember that song that we learned in elementary school called "Hot Cross Buns" where we spent hours playing that horrible recorder? Here is a video to refresh your memory... sorry for getting it stuck in your head for the next three days:

Well... a hot cross bun is real, and they are found here in New Zealand.
My host family (and now I) eat them every morning for breakfast and were shocked to find that I had thought that "hot cross buns" was just a really crappy but catchy tune we were forced to learn when our minds were impressionable. I then learned all about the history of the hot cross bun as well as what the actual lyrics of the song are. The lyrics are:
"Hot cross buns
Hot cross buns
One a penny
Two a penny
Hot cross buns"
This song was sung by people walking around in the markets trying to sell these hot cross buns, and the song was developed to catch the ear of the people in the street. The cross was put on there to celebrate Easter, but were sold year round. The elementary kids of New Zealand haven't escaped the terrible A G F sequenced tune, but in place of "hot cross buns", they say "three blind mice"


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