The graduation started off with Senior Lecturer - Haupai Puke at one end making a call of peace and welcome with the graduates and staff behind her. At the other end were the supporters and family that were behind this tiny old lady who had a moko on her chin (Māori symbol of importance) who was chanting in Māori right back. The purpose of the chanting was to acknowledge the home people and explain why they (the visitors/supporters and family) were attending the gathering, who they were and where they came from. They were both chanting at the same time, it was a bit full on. After the chanting ceased (phew) the graduated performed a haka. This was not the challenge you to a battle haka, but a haka pōwhiri which is performed specifically to welcome visitors onto a Marae. Check out this video of the graduation.
After a bunch of speeches, the people went through and partook in the 'hongi' (pressing of noses together and sharing in the breath of life). This is a huge sign of respect based on sharing the same breath and signifies the point where the home people and visitors become one. As an international student, I had no idea of what was going on, but it was still really cool to see. If you get the opportunity to experience culture other than your own. DO IT. There are tons of opportunities at Waikato University to observe partake in and learn about Māori culture, seize them.
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